Grilled steak with pepper sauce
Beef steak… 300 g
Butter… 10 g
Rosemary… 2 g
Onions… 20 g
Black pepper sauce… 10 ml
Vegetable oil… 20 ml
Garlic… 5 g
Freshly ground
black pepper… 3 g
Ground red pepper… 2 g
Salt… 2 g
Parsley… 3 g
Cream… 100 ml
- Marbled beef steak is seasoned with salt, ground black pepper, greased on both sides with “grill dressing” (vegetable oil mixed with garlic and rosemary) and fried on the grill. When serving, grease on both sides with melted butter.
- Served with pepper sauce. To do this, onions are fried in vegetable oil with crushed black pepper, heavy cream, black pepper sauce, salt, red pepper are added, lightly evaporated and crushed in a blender until smooth. The dish is decorated with a sprig of parsley.
Bon appetit!