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Cabbage kimchi

Beijing cabbage – 1 piece
Salt – 40 g
Kimchi sauce – 200 ml

Kimchi is pickled Chinese cabbage, which is similar, for example, to our pickles. Only much spicier and sharper! We wash the Chinese cabbage and divide the head into two halves. Once again we make cuts at the base so as not to damage the dense part. Rub each leaf with salt and place it in water (preferably at room temperature) for 1.5 hours.
We wash the infused Chinese cabbage in advance to remove any remaining salt under water and carefully grease each leaf on all sides with Kimchi sauce. Place the pickled heads of cabbage in a deep bowl or basin (as close as possible), cover the top with a flat plate and place any small weight. We remove the kimchi to marinate for a day, or better yet, two. This snack can be eaten directly or with rice or noodles.

Bon appetit!